Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Symbols of the Holy Spirit

Water reminds me how Jesus’ cousin baptised Jesus in the waters of the Jordan River. Water is used to baptise people and this gives them a stronger relationship with the Holy Spirit. 
You can see more symbols of the Holy Spirit that our class drew on our class blog at stproom4.blogspot.co.nz


  1. What an awesome picture Lara. I can see you are learning about the Holy Spirit and have identified a time when the Holy Spirit came as water. I like the way you have the water running through the land with the sky and sun above.

    Can you think of another time in the Bible when the Holy Spirit came as water?

  2. Thanks I really tried my best at drawing this picture because I am not a good drawer so I am proud with how it has come out and I can't really think of another time when the Holy Spirit came out as water.
